Valeria Pallotta
MT Meetup #11: MT for subtitling – pain or gain?
We are pleased to announce another MT Meetup in Zurich on 12 December 2022. You can look forward to the presentations of our three experts on the topic of machine translation and subtitling. Afterwards, there will be an aperitif with delicious mulled wine and time for networking. The Meetup will take place at Impact Hub Zurich (Viadukt Bogen D) and offers 80 seats.

Door opening and registration
The evening starts with Martin Volk talking about the history of machine translation and subtitling. Afterwards, Susi Hasanovic gives us an insight into practical matters. She talks about approaches, successes and failures. Finally, Lucas Seiler looks at ways of influencing segment length in machine translation, a question that also arises when automatically translating subtitles.
20:00 Uhr
Please be advised that the presentations will be held in English.
- Martin Volk, founder of Textshuttle and professor and Head of the Department of Computational Linguistics at University of Zurich
- Lucas Seiler, CEO bei Textshuttle
- Susi Hasanovic, Head of the Language Competence Centre - Vaudoise Insurance
Register on our Meetup page (free registration required).